Operator Connect Resource Folders

The following table describes the available resource entities according to tier level privileges.

Live Cloud Service Provider level

Customer/ lead level

Service provider credentials for Microsoft Operator Connect

customer/lead identification and contact info

List of customer leads and licensed customers and customer licensing information

civic addresses and locations

Calling profiles and trunks

acquired OC Numbers

Script templates

jobs for upload and release of OC numbers

SBC devices


The following table describes the available Endpoint requests for the Operator Connect REST API.

Resource Group



Lead Management


Create Consentless Lead

Enables the license for an Operator Connect customer lead, once they have been successfully connected to Microsoft 365.

Get Specific OC Lead for Customer

Retrieves the details of a specific Operator Connect lead.

Get All OC Leads

Retrieves all Operator Connect leads for a specific Live Cloud Service Provider operator tenant.

Channel Management


Assign Consentless Lead to Channel

Attach a Consentless lead to a channel.

Remove Lead from Channel

Remove a lead that is attached to a channel.

License Management


Validate Tenant Id

Validate the Tenant Id of the customer before applying Live Platform license.

Create Customer from Lead Overview

Create new customer from lead by applying OC Essential Live Platform license.

Upgrade Operator Connect Customer License

Upgrade OC Essentials licensed customer to OC Essentials Plus or OC Pro.

Upgrade or Downgrade Customer License

Upgrade the customer license type from OC EssentialPlus to OC Pro.
Downgrade the customer license type from OC Pro to OC EssentialsPlus.

Get License Info for Service

Retrieve the details of the license factor data for the customer tenant.

Customer Management


Get Services Brief Details (V3)

Retrieves a list of customer for the Live Cloud platform instance.

Get Customers Brief Details (V2)

Retrieves a list of customer for the Live Cloud platform instance.

Get Specific Customer Details

Retrieves the details of a specific customer.

Delete Service

Deletes an existing customer.

Number Management


Map Calling Profiles to SBC Devices

Retrieves a list of the SBC devices that are mapped to Calling Profiles.

Retrieve Microsoft Operator Connect Calling Profiles

Retrieves a list of the Microsoft Operator Connect Calling Profiles available for the Live Cloud instance.

Validate Single Number

Validate number.

Upload Numbers to Customer

Uploads a list of phone numbers to a customer.

Release Numbers from Customer

Releases a list of numbers from a customer.

Get Customer Numbers

Retrieves the numbers that are assigned to a specific customer.

Unassign Numbers

Unassign numbers from customer (numbers assigned in the Customer Teams admin center).

Site Location Management


Get SIP Connections

Retrieves a specific customer site location. Once you have setup the primary site location, you can add additional branch sites and then provision SBC prefixes for the users at these locations.

Add SIP Connection

Adds a site location for the customer. Once you have setup the primary site location, you can add additional branch sites and then provision SBC prefixes for the users at this site location.

User Management


Get List of End Users for Service

Retrieves a list of M365 users for the customer tenant.

Provision Customer End User

Updates an individual M365 user.

Dial Plans


Get DialPlans

Retrieves all dialplans for a specific location.

Modify Dial Plan Content

Allows you to add or remove phone numbers in a specific dial plan for a specific site location.

Delete Dial Plan

Deletes an existing dialplan.

Task Status

Get Task

Retrieves the status of actions performed such as adding numbers.